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  • Growth Mindset

  • Self Esteem

  • Strengths and Self Advocacy

This activity has been designed as a visual tool to demonstrate to your child how they are growing in independence, daily skills and mindset. Developing a growth mindset in particular is a valuable lifelong skill. Children learn to be proud of their effort, to be resilient and optimistic about their future. They can use this mindset to boost their self-esteem and advocate for their needs as they get older.

Develop Growth Mindset This activity has been designed as a visual tool to demonstrate to your child how they are growing in independence, daily skills and mindset. Developing a growth mindset in particular is a valuable lifelong skill. Children learn to be proud of their effort, to be resilient and optimistic about their future. They can use this mindset to boost their self-esteem and advocate for their needs as they get older.

A Visual Tool

Verbal praise is great but a longer lasting visual reminder, like our Growth Tree, is even more effective, as it can be referred back to more frequently as well as in your child’s own time.

Praise Effort, Not Performance

Stick the Growth Tree to the fridge or a place in your home where it can be used regularly. Support your child to notice their efforts and facilitate developing their growth mindset by drawing or cutting out a leaf and adding it to the tree.

Long Term Skills for Life

Please note this is not a behaviour management strategy and not to be used for rewards/bribery (i.e. put your shoes away to get a leaf on the tree). We are developing the foundational skills and mindset that can help a child in the long term, not for short term compliance as behaviour management strategies attempt to do. Never take off a leaf once it has been added to the tree, as each leaf represents a positive moment or skill your child would be very proud of and doesn’t relate to the situation you are addressing. The Growth Tree is for use in the moment, acknowledging when your child has used a strategy, overcome a mistake, persisted, asked for help or tried their best despite the outcome.

Empower Your Child

A tree full of leaves can represent the skills your child is developing and will continue to develop throughout their life. Ask your child how they would like to grow and what skills they might like to get better at. When our children have a role in identifying their own goals and lead participation, they can feel more empowered and purposeful in their life.


How Does It Work?

  1. Print the Growth Tree and green paper to cut the leaves.

  2. Ask your child about how they would like to grow, what are their goals? These discussions keep them central to the activities and skill development.

  3. Stick the Growth Tree in a visible place at home, with the green paper, your glue and scissors nearby.

  4. You or your child can recognise and notice their efforts, resilience, persistence, problem solving and positive attitude which can represent a leaf on the tree. Cut one out and glue to the tree.

  5. You or your child can write a keyword on the leaf as a reminder and over time, there will be a wide range of reflections and skills developed.

  6. You can add a leaf a day or a couple a week - just notice and praise the skills used in the moment.

  7. Continue discussions about growth mindsets and how as an adult you can model this for your child too.

If you are looking for a Home Therapy Kit with activities targeting Growth Mindset and Positive Sense of Self. Check out the Wellbeing Kit here.


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