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Guided Meditation

An Effective Regulation Strategy

This activity has been designed to introduce a tool that can assist your child with their emotional regulation and improve their interoception.

Interoception is our 8th sense and the system that gives us information regarding how our body feels and what it needs for health, wellbeing and regulation. It is a process of receiving, integrating and understanding inner bodily signals where we can notice sensations such as hunger, pain, temperature, a full bladder etc. Perceiving these signals is related to emotional regulation and dysregulation. (Geissy et al 2022) By improving and enhancing interoception, we can support a child’s ability to recognise and make sense of their inner experience and identify what they need to be regulated more effectively.

‘Focusing on interoception gives meaning to emotions from the inside out’ - Kelly Mahler, OT

Using Body and Breath Our guided meditation involves using a body scan and breath awareness to help your child notice their different body parts and calm and settle their nervous system. It can be used as a relaxation tool or a peaceful moment integrated into their daily routine.

Since they are still developing their self regulation skills until they are young adults, children need a regulated adult to help them regulate, and the way you read the meditation to your child can influence this. If you read with a soft, slow voice, your child’s nervous system will sense the tone as safe and then relax. This is called Co-Regulation and is the essential component needed to help a child with their regulation. Reading with a loud, fast voice will alert the child’s nervous system, preparing the body to react or respond and will not help them feel settled.

Being mindful of our own regulated state is very important when helping a child experiencing a meltdown or distress. Before we offer support or guidance, pause and check in with yourself and get regulated first.

What does the evidence say?

Kelly Mahler, an OT leading the field in interoception, has reported that there is increasing evidence between mindfulness meditation and interoception, with increased interoceptive processes from regular practice.

A mindful attitude towards feelings, sensations, and thoughts, especially acting with acceptance, seems to lead to important changes in coping and emotional regulation strategies (Geissy et al 2022).

An improvement in self-awareness can facilitate more adaptive behaviours (Geissy et al 2022).

References: Geissy et al 2022, The impact of a brief mindfulness training on interoception: A randomized controlled trial.

Mahler 2023, The relationship between interoception and body mindfulness,

Download, print and use for later, enjoy!


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